Main Street Market

Questions & Answers

Q: What makes Main Street Market employees unique?

Q: What do I do if a receive a Main Street Market product that I have to return?

Q: Do you really recycle all your packaging, office waste, and disposable food containers?

Q: What sort of products do you plan to stock in the future?

Q: Do you plan to open a real store...not just a virtual one?

What makes Main Street Market employees unique?

A: Main Street Market is a cooperative venture. All of the employees are stockholders and take a great deal of pride in their business. Everyone here at Main Street Market takes a turn doing each job in the company, so your inquiries are always read by a business expert.

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What do I do if a receive a Main Street Market product that I have to return?

A: All of our products are 100% guaranteed. If you find a product unsatisfactory, return the unused portion to us and we'll send you a complete refund. Your satisfaction is our number one priority.

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Do you really recycle all your packaging, office waste, and disposable food containers?

A: Yes, we do. Under the leadership of our current Recycling Director, Allison Klein, we have greatly decreased the need to have solid wastes removed from flagship stores and service centers.

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What sort of products do you plan to stock in the future?

A: Some of our best ideas come from our customers.. Email us and let us know about what you would like to see made available here at Main Street Market.

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Do you plan to open a real storeā€¦not just a virtual one?

A: We've found that having our store online is one of the primary strengths of Main Street Market. Our customers find our online ordering to be extremely convenient, and because we don't have retail facilities, we can keep our prices low. This helps us to achieve our mission of providing the best specialty foods at the most reasonable prices.

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